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ICANN, Verisign and NTIA “ready for 100 new gTLDs per week”

Kevin Murphy, November 8, 2012, 15:01:38 (UTC), Domain Tech

The three main entities responsible for managing the domain name system’s root zone have confirmed that they’re ready to add 100 or more new gTLDs to the internet every week.
In a statement, (pdf), ICANN, Verisign and the US National Telecommunications & Information Administration jointly said:

Based on current staffing levels and enhancements that are currently underway to the [Root Zone Management] system, the Root Zone Partners are able to process at least 100 new TLDs per week and will commit the necessary resources to meet all root zone management volume increases associated with the new gTLD program.

The letter was sent in response to a request from ICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee, which asked in July whether ICANN, Verisign and the NTIA were ready for the new gTLD load.
The three-party Root Zone Management procedure used to add TLDs or update existing ones is getting more automation, which is expected to streamline the process.

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Comments (7)

  1. RAYY says:

    Bring it on…..can’t wait…..

  2. Maxim says:

    current PDF is
    …it looks like they renamed(dynamically renaming files?) it

    • Eugénie says:

      Thank you Maxim for the current PDF link. I wonder why they are renaming the PDF so often. Maybe you’re right and it’s dynamically renamed (…)

  3. Peter says:

    …And… it’s gone.

  4. Kevin Murphy says:

    I’ve updated the link.

  5. blehblehbleh says:

    Meanwhile, the American Psychiatric Association is “ready to amend the DSM-IV on a weekly basis.”

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