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Recent Posts terminated

Kevin Murphy, March 24, 2015, 07:30:48 (UTC), Domain Registrars

ICANN has terminated the accreditation of defunct registrar
The company received its final compliance notice (pdf) last week and will lose its contractual ability to sell gTLD domains April 17.
Not that many will notice or care.
According to the notice, ICANN has been informed that the company is no longer in business. does not currently resolve to a web page, at least for me. According to registry reports, it had just six domain names under management in November.
Back in 2011, its DUM was measured in the low hundreds. Most transferred out or deleted in the meantime.
According to the notice, the registrar failed to provide information about its dealings with the owner of a specific domain name,
According to DomainTools, that domain has never been registered with
It’s ICANN’s third registrar termination in 2015.

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Comments (3)

  1. Rod.Tv says:

    When will they act on eName ??

    • Volker Greimann says:

      Probably when someone sends them a substantiated complaint about something they did that violated policy and that registrar does not satisfactorily respond to their inquiry and does not resolve the issue.

  2. Volker Greimann says:

    I understand termination grounds 2 and 3, but the first reason for termination should face some further scrutiny.
    How can ICANN require a registrar to provide information on business dealings for a registration that was not sponsored by that registrar?
    Does ICANN compliance not even check where a domain is or was at before launching an action?
    Something smells…

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