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NamesCon hotel “scam” doing the rounds

Kevin Murphy, November 9, 2015, 13:10:18 (UTC), Domain Services

A company with a track record of misleading conference attendees into booking hotels with higher fees appears to be targeting NamesCon.
This morning I received a phone call from somebody claiming to be from NamesCon, but he pronounced it “Name Escon”.
I asked him what company he worked for, and he continued to insist he worked for “Name Escon”.
So I indulged him for a while, and it turned out he was trying to book me into a Las Vegas hotel for the duration of the January 10-13 trade show.
He offered me a rate at the Tropicana of $99 per night, including breakfast. That’s actually not a bad rate — about $20 less than what Expedia is currently asking.
I kept him on the phone until he sent an email to an address he had on file for me (the one from DI’s About page, which I don’t use to sign up for anything).
It arrived immediately, from Exhibitors Housing Services (, which appears to be a Los Angeles company, with a link to
The link led to a credit card authorization form, pre-tailored to my details and the rate offered, which included some terms and conditions I didn’t like the look of.
A simple web search revealed that the company is widely believed to be Bad News.
The same outfit appears to regularly target annual conferences using the exhibitor lists published on earlier conference web sites. Contact information appears to be taken from the exhibitor’s own site.
According to the likes of Affiliate Summit and The Physiological Society, and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association these guys may charge up-front processing fees and/or have a very unfavorable cancellation policy.
In fact, just Googling for “Exhibitors Housing Services” will return pretty much nothing but scam warnings from various conference organizers.
One chap even posted a YouTube video explaining what he thinks the scam is.
I’m pretty certain the company has nothing to do with NamesCon.

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Comments (2)

  1. Heather says:

    They have called me several times claiming that our company has agreed to speak at an industry conference and that we need to book rooms asap…trying to push us to book rooms for conferences we are not even signed up to attend yet, let alone speak at….they are NOT affiliated with the conference hosts from what I could find…just opportunists. I think they find attendees lists from past conferences and use them to locate possible targets.

  2. Richard Lau says:

    Thank you for posting about this imposter! We have heard that the “terms” you agree to are a $300 booking fee in addition to the room fee. They are NOT associated with NamesCon, nor the Tropicana Hotel and we have both sent legal letters to this scammer. It seems like EHS is based in Egypt. We posted about this scam on our NamesCon blog in August:
    We had hoped that they had backed away.
    Typically we (at NamesCon) stick to emailing reminders to our attendees to book their hotel through the link at:
    Perhaps the best method would be for us to call every one of our attendees? Any thoughts on that?

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