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Uniregistry offers app for iOS

Kevin Murphy, January 7, 2016, 16:44:08 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Uniregistry today launched an app for customers of its registrar.
The Uniregistry App became available on Apple’s App Store today, for iOS-based devices.
A company spokesperson said that an Android version is in the works and will become available later this year.
According to the company, the app allows users to manage or buy domains as usual.
“Update it all, nameservers, DNS records, forwarding, auto-renewals, AUTH codes, even your domain lock,” the app’s description says.
For those worried about carrying the keys to the kingdom around in their pockets, authentication is handled by Touch ID (Apple’s fingerprint technology) and/or Google Authenticator, a one-time password app.


Comments (3)

  1. David says:

    It’s a great app and so easy to use with lots of capabilities. Much better vs the GoDaddy app I was using which has now been deleted. Congrats to Frank and his team!

  2. David says:

    Forgot to say another reason I deleted the inferior GoDaddy App was because all my names (except 1 with 60 day lock) have been moved to Uniregistry.

  3. SoFreeDomain says:

    Good news for many of us using the IOS based devices.

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