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Dudu buys for $1 million

Kevin Murphy, January 5, 2012, Domain Sales

The first big-figure domain name sale announcement of the year has me cackling.
A Dubai-based social networking site, Dudu, has paid $1 million for, making one Chinese domainer a very happy man indeed.
Sedo brokered the deal over three months and announced the sale today.
Dudu was previously located at
The lesson to be learned here is so painfully obvious it’s barely worth mentioning: if you’re going to launch a brand and try to make it successful, first make sure you have a domain to match.
Before Dudu built up the brand, was probably a five-figure sale.
To Dudu’s credit, it does not appear to have ever attempted a reverse domain name hijacking using the UDRP.
Alibek Issaev, chairman of Dudu, said in Sedo’s press release:

With the purchase of, we will be able to match our platform’s brand with the exact domain name we need, and migrate from using to this shorter version. This purchase means we don’t lose important traffic, and at the same time we ensure that visitors from around the globe will remember our brand’s name.

No dudu, Sherlock.