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Should ICANN get breastfeeding areas? Have your say!

Kevin Murphy, June 12, 2017, 18:52:54 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has launched a survey of community members’ views on gender, apparently trying to figure out whether it has a sexism problem.
The short, anonymous quiz, published today, asks a bunch of reasonable questions about gender diversity at ICANN’s physical meetings and online interactions.
The organization wants to know if you think your gender has had any influence on your participation at ICANN, and whether you think it could in your future in the community.
It wants to know if you think ICANN is too male-dominated, whether gender is a barrier to progression, and whether you feel represented by current leadership.
The survey also throws up a few questions I found a little surprising.
Should ICANN be holding “educational” sessions on gender diversity? Should it have “mandatory” diversity “quotas”? Should its meetings have breastfeeding areas? Would people who don’t identify as either gender have difficulty ascending to leadership positions?
Founded in 1998, ICANN is the organization tasked with coordinating certain of the internet’s unique technical identifiers.

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Comments (1)

  1. Chris LaHatte says:

    Once I suggested we should have a creche and was laughed at. But I was and am serious about this. Of course there should be an area for breastfeeding and for children as not all ICANN community have the luxury of bringing carers or of leaving young children at home. Its called diversity

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