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Bank spends $800,000 to move from a .bank to the exact-match .com

Kevin Murphy, January 19, 2022, 14:03:30 (UTC), Domain Sales

A small Wisconsin bank has acquired the exact-match .com for its brand for $800,000.

Bank First currently uses a .bank domain,, but has decided to rebrand to, CFO Kevin LeMahieu told DI today.

In what many domainers will consider an “upgrade”, the .com was purchased during the fourth quarter from another financial institution.

Its new domain currently redirects to the old .bank domain.

The exact-match .bank domain,, belongs to an unrelated Mississippi bank with a similar name. But that company doesn’t use it, preferring instead

.bank is a tightly restricted and secured gTLD launched in 2015 where domains cost about $1,000 a year. It currently has fewer than 5,000 domains under management.

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Comments (1)

  1. Chad Ellis says:

    I almost guarantee it was because email leakage. I own a and a bank and uses geo name .bank and the email bleeding is asinine. They are aware it happens daily, but since .bank domains has timeshare closed banks in being cyber security experts and it being the most secure email address they can use. I told the CEO I would find a different department for his cyber security person.

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