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.post liberalizes with new sunrise period

Kevin Murphy, March 19, 2024, 14:16:29 (UTC), Domain Registries

The .post gTLD has opened a brand-protection sunrise period 12 years after it first launched, after liberalizing its registration policies to allow private businesses to buy domains.

.post is a “sponsored” gTLD run by the Universal Postal Union, a UN agency, and so far the space has been restricted to national postal agencies which are individually vetted before their domains can go live.

But the policies have been updated to allow the likes of private shipping and logistics providers and post-related technology vendors to also register names.

Registrants will still have their credentials checked and published for opposition when applying to register names, so it’s not going to be a speculative free-for-all when .post eventually goes to “general availability” on May 1.

The sunrise period will run until April 15, with only trademark owners able to apply.

The operation is being run largely by EnCirca, which is the only accredited registrar apart from the registry itself. It had just 430 registered names at the last count.

The .post ICANN Registry Agreement is up for renewal this year.

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Comments (2)

  1. Amadeu Abril i Abril says:

    Goood to see .post moving forward. But the question is: how is it possible that they have accepted one Registrar, and allthe rest MUST go thorugh that one? This is clearly not what their Agreement allows….

  2. Rubens Kuhl says:

    While I don’t know the specifics, most registrars are very wary of low-volume and/or rule-heavy gTLDs. So my experience in one such TLD suggests that is not unfeasible that only one registrar agreed to their terms.

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