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Google acquires

Kevin Murphy, August 12, 2011, 09:29:01 (UTC), Domain Sales

Google has got its hands on the domain name, four years after first launching its occasionally controversial street-level maps service.
The domain switched to Google’s contact information and name servers this week, according to Whois records.
It was first acquired quite recently from its original owner, who registered it in 2001, by an outfit called Brand Certified Inc, ostensibly based at a strip mall in Nevada.
A bit of digging shows that Brand Certified appears to be a front, a shell company operated by MarkMonitor for the purpose of quietly obtaining domain names for its clients.
There’s no UDRP record for the name – it would have been a far from straightforward case – so I guess it was acquired either by being purchased or through some other means.
The domain does not currently resolve from where I’m sitting.

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Comments (7)

  1. Poor Uncle says:

    What prompted you to look into this domain name?

  2. Michael says:

    Google doesn’t own a trademark for “streetview”

  3. Poor Uncle says:

    How did u know google took over the name server? Do u track google domain activities?

  4. Just little ol' me says:

    How did you discover that Brand Certified acquired the domain? BC wants to buy a domain from me, but I want more intel on their client before I make a decision.

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