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Will a Russian domain sell for more than

Kevin Murphy, November 25, 2010, 13:17:46 (UTC), Domain Sales

The scandal-hit Russian domain name market may yet produce some of the most expensive domain name sales of all time. Premium .рф generics are already attracting eight-figure bids.
Bids of $10 million have apparently been placed on at least two domains, квартиры.рф and бетон.рф (apartments.rf and concrete.rf), in the controversial quasi-landrush auction managed by RU-Center, the largest Russian registrar. is reporting the apartments.rf asking price, and a reader was kind enough to send me a screenshot of the concrete.rf auction.
If these bids are for real, and these auctions were to close, they would immediately occupy the number two and three slots on the league table of all-time biggest-ticket domain sales
Before sold for $13 million, DNJournal’s top twenty list had in the top spot, at $9,999,950, followed by at $9,500,000 and at $7,500,000.
The RU-Center auctions may not close, however.
As I reported yesterday, the registrar and five others are being investigated on antitrust grounds by Russian competition authorities, after allegedly registering tens of thousands of domains to themselves.
The auctions are currently frozen and the .рф registry, Coordination Center for ccTLD, has made noises about applying “sanctions” to the registrars that could include de-accreditation.
RU-Center, which confusingly does business at, has defended its position in at least two articles here and here (in Russian, naturally).
As far as I can tell, none of these auctions will close until the registrar and the registry resolve their differences and/or the Russian government probe concludes.
However, it’s pretty obvious that the demand for Cyrillic generic IDNs is enormous in Russia, and could easily challenge .com on the big-sale league tables.

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Comments (4)

  1. IDN Blog says:

    @Kevin – Another excellent article on the .РФ auction process! Fantastic coverage, and I appreciate the IDN Blog reference.
    I definitely think we’ll be seeing a shake up of the DNJournal tables.

  2. Obama says:

    Probably some money laundering going on at the same time. The Ruskies have bought coastal properties all over Europe at inflated prices as well. Most of curse, is not made honestly but on corruption, mafia etc so they can afford to be generous. After all there’s a limit on how much you can hide under your mattress or put in a legal bank acct.

  3. idn garbage says:

    april fools day
    idn crap

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