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Namecheap poaches 20,000 domains from Go Daddy

Kevin Murphy, April 6, 2011, 17:44:36 (UTC), Domain Registrars

A protest promo launched after Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons came under fire for shooting an elephant appears to have netted Namecheap about 20,000 domain name transfers.
The company tweeted from its official account last night: “Thank you Namecheap customers, new and old! We have raised $20,433 to We appreciate your support!”
Given Namecheap had offered to donate $1 for every domain transferred using a special $4.99 coupon code, it looks like it received 20,433 transfers over the last week.
Parsons won’t lose any sleep over this. Go Daddy’s domains under management ticks up by the same amount every five hours.
It may be a more significant amount for Namecheap, which says it has over a million domains under its belt.
UPDATE: As Adam Strong notes in the comments, the 20,000 domains did not necessarily all come from Go Daddy, as the offer was open to anybody.

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Comments (8)

  1. Adam says:

    Kevin, it should be noted, they may have poached them from other registrars too. The deal was a pretty good deal for anyone, no matter where your domains were registered.

  2. […] 0ver 20,000 new domains to their customer base.Other stories point out that the domains were “poached from Godaddy” but the deal was so good that it’s likely that transfers came from a wide variety of […]

  3. […] stories point out that the domains were “poached from Godaddy” but the deal was so good that it’s likely that transfers came from a wide variety of […]

  4. […] Namecheap poaches 20,000 domainname from Go Daddy […]

  5. […] Namecheap poaches 20,000 domain names from Go Daddy […]

  6. […] original promo was an opportunistic move to capitalize on Go Daddy’s support for the censor-happy Stop […]

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