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Almost 100,000 .tr domains registered in one day

Kevin Murphy, August 29, 2024, 09:36:28 (UTC), Domain Registries

Türkiye’s ccTLD has seen a massive spike in registrations, experiencing instant growth of about 8%, at the end of its year-long second-level liberalization process.

The .tr space had 1,187,324 domains at the end of yesterday, according to stats published by government-run registry Trabis, up about 91,000 on the previous day.

That’s more that four time’s .com’s daily growth over the same period.

The sudden growth spurt came due to the registry’s allocation of second-level domains that match previously registered third-level domains under several extensions including, .org,tr and

The multi-stage grandfathering process latterly prioritized registrants based on which extension their domain was in and ran from February to early August. The registry decided which registrants had made the cut August 27.

The liberalization came about after Trabis took over from previous registry in 2022. The number of .tr domains has almost doubled since then, crossing on million late last year.

Trabis intends to open up the .tr second level to all comers, full general availability, next Wednesday, September 4.

Türkiye follows the likes of the UK, New Zealand and Australia in opening up the second level of their traditionally three-level spaces.

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