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Three ICANN staffers laid off in Aussie closure, other offices safe

Kevin Murphy, January 2, 2013, 20:52:39 (UTC), Gossip

ICANN has officially confirmed the closure of its Sydney, Australia office, but it appears that jobs at other satellite offices are safe.
All three Aussie employees were “let go” as a result of the Sydney decision, according to ICANN.
“ICANN is in the process of assessing how to effectively grow ICANN resources around the globe,” a spokesperson said. “This is an on-going process that will require consultation with the Board.”
The six staffers located in Palo Alto, California — the office set up largely to cater to the needs of former CEO Rod Beckstrom — are also set to move to a smaller office to save money.
The Washington DC office will also move, apparently to a location close to the White House, the spokesperson said.


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