ICANN hit by DDoS attack
If you noticed ICANN’s web site acting sluggishly or failing to respond at all last week, now you know why.
The site at icann.org was hit by a distributed denial of service attack on September 3 through September 4, according to a brief statement on the Org’s now-functional site.
ICANN identified a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) event that occurred on www.icann.org on 3 Sept. 2024. The situation was mitigated and service to ICANN’s website was restored on 4 Sept. 2024.
No additional information has yet been released on the size, duration or possible motivations behind the attack.
It’s the first security incident ICANN has judged significant enough to publicly disclose in over two years.
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Maybe one of the persons that was recently laid off 😉