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Squarespace gets sweetened $7.2 billion takeover offer

Kevin Murphy, September 10, 2024, 12:00:11 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Squarespace looks set to be acquired by private equity firm Permira in a sweetened cash deal valuing the registrar at about $7.2 billion.

The new $46.50 per share offer is an improvement over Permira’s initial May offer of $44 and represents a 36.4% premium over Squarespace’s share price the day before the takeover way announced.

Squarespace said the deal, which values the company at about $300 million more than the May offer, has been approved by an independent committee of its board of directors and is Permira’s “best and final” offer.

Squarespace has about 10 million gTLD domains under management across two ICANN accreditations, one of which is the old Google Domains, but is perhaps best known for its web site building services.

The company has previously said that going private will help it compete better in the small business online presence market, where it sees its competition as the likes of GoDaddy and Wix.

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