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Seventh new gTLD bid withdrawn

Kevin Murphy, September 6, 2012, 09:44:22 (UTC), Domain Registries

ICANN has now received seven requests to withdraw new gTLD applications, according to documentation published today.
While we learned today that Google and KSB AG are behind four of the junked bids, the identities of the other three are not yet known.
ICANN has said that it will not reveal the withdrawing applications until all the formalities, such as refunds, have been finalized.
The updated stats came in a slide deck (pdf) set to be used in an ICANN webinar scheduled for noon UTC today.
The slides also reveal the aggregate status of applications’ progress through Initial Evaluation.
As you can see from the slide below, over a quarter of applications have had their String Similarity Review already. Just 65 have had their Geographic Names Review, while 127 and 141 have had their technical and financial evaluations respectively.
ICANN also states that there have been 57 requests for changes to applications — up from 49 at the last count — and that so far nobody has filed a formal objection against any bid.

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Comments (1)

  1. Moris says:

    f one gets through the financial review one would think it means they are approved in that specific category. However that is not the case b/c one can still object on those specific grounds. This means that panels will be back tracking to strings they already reviewed and maybe even approved.
    This doesn’t make sense.

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