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Unstoppable tops four million names

Kevin Murphy, October 7, 2024, 15:55:54 (UTC), Domain Registries

Unstoppable Domains says it has now registered over four million names on its collection of blockchain-based alternative naming systems.

The volume appears to spread across multiple extensions. Unstoppable runs names such as .crypto, .x, .wallet and .nft, as well as dozens of more obscure branded strings, such as .pudgy and .bald, with its partners.

If we were to treat the whole Unstoppable portfolio as a single TLD, it would be about as large as India’s .in or France’s .fr, and hundreds of thousands of names larger than’s .xyz.

It would be more than twice as big as RealNames was at its peak, and many times larger than AOL Keywords. Just saying.

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Comments (2)

  1. Calvin says:

    How many are resolvable on say, a standard android web browser?

    Or any standard web browser. Or email client.

  2. Tommy says:

    All useless extensions. It’s like the same bucket of shi- of people hang out together. They keep pumping own projects. Remember when all those domain brokers started those NFT projects and raised millions then just left. They don’t talk about it but still will pump anything.

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