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Schwartz makes deal to sell for over $6 million

Kevin Murphy, June 23, 2021, 19:31:45 (UTC), Domain Sales

Veteran domain investor Rick Schwartz today said he’s made a deal to sell the domain name for over $6 million.

The deal appears to include the mouthwatering sum up-front, along with ongoing royalties. He tweeted a couple hours ago:

The most obvious use for the domain would be a porn site, but that wouldn’t explain hashtags such as “realestate” and “crypto”.

If confirmed, the deal would be the 11th most expensive domain ever sold, according to DNJournal.

Schwartz sold for $8,888,888 in February 2015.

Updated for clarity.

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Comments (2)

  1. Gregg says:

    “I can reveal as of now Ass .com is under contract for $6 Million + Royalties.”

    He didn’t sell anything yet, it’s not paid, it’s “under contract”.

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