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Epik backtracks on Kiwi Farms claim after legal threat

Kevin Murphy, March 19, 2024, 09:11:08 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Epik has retracted a claim it made on social media that former customer Kiwi Farms was hosting child sexual abuse material on its web site.

The troubled registrar had said on Twitter in January that it had received a complaint about a “doxxing” post on the Kiwi Farms troll forum that contained naked photographs of an individual Epik said it believed was “underaged”.

Kiwi Farms supporters counter-claimed that the person in question was a 19-year-old adult and the web site’s owner, known as Null, threatened Epik with legal action.

Today, Epik tweeted:

Epik retracts its statement in regards to the Kiwi Farms @KiwiFarmsDotNet having child sexual abuse material on its website. While Epik may not agree with content that may be on its website, Epik has no direct knowledge of child sexual abuse material on the Kiwi Farms’ website.

In the last couple of month, Epik has sought to rebrand itself as a responsible registrar focused on entrepreneurs rather than controversial anchor tenants. It updated its abuse policy last year and kicked out customers such as Kiwi Farms and Gab.

The company is now owned by Registered Agents, a company formation company.

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Comments (1)

  1. Josh says:

    So, the first step in rebuilding a brand and establishing trust and transparency is to falsely accuse a customer of hosting child pornography? Sadly, only the prospect of a defamation case made them retract the false accusation through a tweet. You can’t make this stuff up!?

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