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ICANN names new CEO, and it isn’t Costerton

Kevin Murphy, June 10, 2024, 15:51:59 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has picked industry veteran Kurt Erik “Kurtis” Lindqvist to take over as president and CEO.

He will replace interim CEO Sally Costerton, who has been serving since Goran Marby’s resignation in December 2022, but not until December 5 this year.

Since 2019 he’s been CEO of the London Internet Exchange, LINX, and has to served out his notice while a replacement is found. He announced his resignation a few days ago.

ICANN said Lindqvist has also been CEO of .no operator Netnod worked for the Internet Architecture Board, RIPE and the Internet Engineering Task Force.

ICANN received 100 applications for the gig from 20 countries and drew up an interview shortlist of seven — three of whom were female, ICANN noted — and three finalists were interviewed by the full board of directors.

Lindqvist will be based in ICANN’s Geneva, Switzerland regional office but “will spend significant time” in the ICANN Los Angeles HQ.


Comments (2)

  1. John Berard says:

    Does she stay?

  2. Steve GOBIN says:

    The 30 staff members that were recently laid off will certainly feel a bitter taste in their mouth when they learn the amount of the new CEO’s salary, unless the current interim CEO leaves the organisation, which would make the new CEO a replacement and not an additional senior staff member.

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