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War takes steep toll on .ua domains

Kevin Murphy, April 29, 2024, 08:16:10 (UTC), Domain Registries

Ukraine’s ccTLD saw a sharp decline in domains under management in the first quarter as the country entered its third year of Russia’s invasion, according to the local registry.

The number of registered .ua domains was down 8% at 471,716 at the end of March, Hostmaster said.

The decline is mostly due to 123,000 domains that had been prevented from expiring at the outset of the war in 2022 being gradually deleted from November last year, the registry said.

.ua is still taking 255 new registrations per day, regardless, the company said.

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Comments (2)

  1. Am buying one right away.

  2. Helmuts says:

    I am staying away from investing in UA domain names. With all the respect, it is easier and cheaper to rob a domain name from a foreign domainer in this particular country that sadly has highly corrupt court and law-enforcement system. The same applies to RU.

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