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Alibaba, among new RDRS opt-ins

Kevin Murphy, April 17, 2024, 17:55:08 (UTC), Domain Registrars

Eleven registrars representing millions of domain names signed up to support ICANN’s Registration Data Request Service last month. One registrar dropped out.

One of Chinese tech giant Alibaba’s registrars was among the additions. Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing), which has 2.6 million names under management, is a notable addition given that one of its sister registrars was recently hit with an ICANN Compliance action due to alleged abuse inaction.

Also opting in to the Whois band-aid service were Identity Digital’s (2.2 million names), three of its sister companies, and Newfold Digital’s (1.5 million names). Nominalia, P.A Vietnam, and Ubilibet also signed up.

Realtime Register dropped out of the voluntary service, the third registrar to opt out since RDRS launched in Novemeber.

ICANN says its coverage is now 57% of the total gTLD domains out there, up from 55% in February. It has 86 registrars on-board in total, including most of the largest.

RDRS is a two-year pilot that offers people who want access to private Whois records, largely intellectual property interests and law enforcement, a simpler way to connect with the registrars holding that data.

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Comments (1)

  1. Ed says:

    I tried submitting a request for a phishing site registered and hosted through goDAddy, and was told to get a subpoena. It’s cool to have the a reporting system in place, improved data etc but Registrars differ so wildly on how they deal with these requests, so not sure what efficiency is being gained for the consumer?

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