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Another crypto firm to apply for a new gTLD

Kevin Murphy, February 1, 2024, 16:04:07 (UTC), Domain Services

D3 Global, the new gTLD consultancy specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain clients, has signed up its third public client.

The company plans to help apply to ICANN for .gate when the next application round opens, currently expected in 2026, according to a press release today. is a cryptocurrency exchange that claims to have 13 million users worldwide (although it appears to be unavailable in several large markets) that was founded in China 10 years ago.

D3 is a startup founded by some domain industry pioneers that offers companies support with applying for regular gTLDs that can interoperate with blockchain-based naming systems.

It’s already announced deals with companies called Shib and Viction for the strings .shib and .vic.

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