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.com-dominated NamesCon auction already has one million-dollar bid

Kevin Murphy, January 17, 2017, 10:00:20 (UTC), Domain Sales

There’s still about week to go until this year’s NamesCon conference kicks off in Las Vegas, but the live auction that will close the first day of the show has already seen pre-bidding action.
One batch of domains has already received a high bid of $1,010,000, but does not appear to have yet met its reserve.
The batch is led by, but also includes,,,, and
Another five domains on the list, all .com names, have attracted bids in six figures, topped by the $800,000 bid for
The list of names up for pre-bid on NameJet (100 of which will hit the live auction) is dominated by Verisign TLDs — .com, obviously, and to a lesser extent .net and .tv.
The biggest pre-bid for a 2012-round gTLD is the $1,010 currently offered for, roughly 110th on the list as ordered by current bid.
The most active new gTLD auction is currently, which has 28 bidders but a top bid of just $330.
I’m not sure how much can be inferred from pre-bids, but it certainly seems that most of the money from domain investors is still being put into short, one or two-word .com domains.
The auction will begin at 1500 US Pacific Time next Monday, January 23.
The auction is being managed and promoted by Right Of The Dot and NameJet. Would-be buyers need a NameJet account to participate.
Names not sold during the live event will go to an extended auction until February 9. ROTD’s Monte Cahn said this is in order to give Chinese bidders time to bid after Chinese New Year (January 28 this year).

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Comments (4)

  1. Mark Thorpe says:

    It’s a good time to be a .Com domain name Investor!
    I’d say I told everyone so, but I will leave that for Mike Mann to say. 😉
    Instead, I’ll say “All hail .Com”! 🙂

  2. I was wondering why had an uptick in traffic today. 🙂

  3. .shopman says:

    .COM Still rules. not that we expected the new gTLDs to replace .com. That is impossible. But they offer choice for buyers who can’t get a good .com or simply want a unique niche-specific gTLD for their businesses or organizations. The time to harvest the ntlds will come 🙂

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