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Clinton agrees to do ICANN meeting

Kevin Murphy, January 14, 2011, 12:57:52 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has confirmed that former US president Bill Clinton has agreed to speak at its San Francisco meeting in March.
But ICANN’s Scott Pinzon said in a blog post that a formal contract, which would be funded by a “targeted sponsorship” deal, has not yet been signed. He wrote:

We are also aware that ICANN meetings are highly structured, work-intensive events, and we want to be sure that an appearance by President Clinton enhances the meetingā€™s outcomes rather than distracts from them.

Read into that what you will.
Clinton’s appearance will likely make the San Francisco meeting ICANN’s best-attended so far, at least for a day or so. Expect TV.
It will also raise the profile of the new top-level domains program, if ICANN in fact approves it during the meeting.
On a personal level, this is tragic news. It’s already hard enough to get a coffee in the ICANN press room without a thousand other newbie reporters crowding the place out.
I’ve put in a request for an interview anyway.

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