The DI Dakar Drunk-Dial Domain Dirt Dropbox
For the first time since DomainIncite launched, I’m skipping an ICANN meeting.
While many regular readers will be landing in Dakar, Senegal, over the next few days, I’ve decided this time to cover the meeting remotely.
For a reporter, in many ways remotely participating in ICANN meetings is a far easier proposition than actually being on the ground.
There’s no running around looking for power points to charge the laptop, no sweltering heat or icy air-con to contend with, no risk of almost getting mugged because you could only afford a hotel in the cheap end of town, very little danger of being forced to speak French.
The drawback of course is that the true value of an ICANN meeting isn’t in the uniformly webcast or magically transcribed sessions themselves.
It’s in the furtive hallway conversations, the over-the-shoulder whispered comments, the drinking banter and the passionate after-hours debates in the hotel bar.
I’m going to miss all that this time around.
To compensate, I’d like to announce the launch of the DI’s very own “remote participation” mechanism.
Let’s call it the DI Dakar Drunk-Dial Domain Dirt Dropbox or, if you like acronyms, the DIDDDDDD.
Hear a bit of good gossip in the bar? Maybe there’s a rumor about a new gTLD applicant, rumblings about disquiet in the GAC, a potential new ICANN CEO candidate…
Simply email your nugget to and I’ll treat it every bit as confidentially as I would if I was standing right next to you with a bottle of Bière la Gazelle in my hand.
To make things more interesting, for every email sent to this address during Dakar, I’ll chug two fingers or down a shot.
Day or night, I promise.
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