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New gTLD Application Tracker 3.0 launched

Kevin Murphy, August 12, 2013, 19:18:29 (UTC), Domain Services

While we’ve added several smaller requested features to the DI PRO New gTLD Application Tracker over the last few months, the time has come for the second big update to the service.
Subscribers have asked for a number of changes and upgrades to make it easier to quickly get at the data they need, and we’re happy to oblige.
The Application Tracker, has been updated in three areas.
New “Current Status” Tab
Talking to subscribers over the last few weeks, it became clear that different people are using the Application Tracker in different ways for different reasons.
Some want to be able to find out if, for example, an application has ever been objected to or received GAC advice, while others only want to know whether those objections and advice are still active.
From today, both use cases are made easier with the introduction of a new Current Status tab.
Searches conducted under this tab automatically filter out all withdrawn and rejected applications. If a contention set has been won, the winner will not display as contested in results.
Similarly, if an application managed to fight its way through objections or GAC advice, it will show as unopposed and unencumbered in search results pages.
Subscribers who want to carry on using the service to access historical information about applications can continue to use the previous version of the Application Tracker under the new “Original Status” tab.
Full IE Results
The existing IE Results database has been folded into the Application Tracker under a new tab, and there’s also a new option to see the full scores for each application that has passed through Initial Evaluation.
The new IE Results (Detailed) tab shows the scores each application received for each of the 27 Applicant Guidebook questions for which scores are made available
The Basic tab shows the financial and technical evaluation subtotals along with other information about the applicant and back-end provider.
New Search Options
With ICANN’s publication of Interilse Consulting’s report into the potential security risks of new gTLDs last week, each string was assigned a risk profile: Low, High or Uncalculated.
The database was updated with this information the same day it was published, but now you can search on it too, choosing to limit your search to, or omit, any of the three classes.
You can now also search for, or exclude, applications that have been rejected by ICANN. There are only three such applications right now, but I’m sure this option will become more useful in future.
Past and Future Updates
For details of all the original features of the Application Tracker, see this April blog post. For DI PRO subscription information, click here.
Subscribers can send suggestions for future updates to, as always.

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Comments (2)

  1. Does it show the Limbo / Hell / Purgatory status?

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