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TechCrunch abandons

Kevin Murphy, May 23, 2011, 10:58:28 (UTC), Domain Registries

TechCrunch seems to have abandoned the .co domain name it acquired with much fanfare last year to promote its Disrupt technology conference.
Disrupt, which kicks off its 2011 show in New York today, was one of the first organizations to obtain a .co domain under .CO Internet’s pre-launch Founders Program.
The conference used the domain to promote its Startup Battlefield competition in May 2010.
But today, just hours before the latest conference begins, still leads to this legacy content. It does not appear to have been updated for the 2011 show.
There was no mention in last year’s announcement of a multi-year commitment to use the domain, so perhaps it was a one-time thing.
The official Disrupt site can be found at

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Comments (4)

  1. Fredo says:

    except for shortners, .co is pretty useless. Dot com is and will always remain king.

  2. Balls says:

    No, it is operational.
    Patience young one… patience.

  3. Balls says:

    Oh I just noticed, another idiot stating .COM is king. If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that I’d be a rich man.
    Come up with your own thoughts sheep.

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