Another 2,000 .uk fraud domains taken down
Nominet has suspended over 2,000 .uk domain names allegedly being used to sell counterfeit goods on the instruction of the Metropolitan Police.
The Met said in a statement today that the crackdown was designed to protect online shoppers in the run-up to Christmas. It did something similar last year and the year before.
The sites were allegedly selling bootleg products purportedly from brands such as Ugg, Nike and Tiffany.
Nominet said that it worked with is registrars to coordinate the suspensions, and that the registrants were all informed before their domains were taken down.
All the registrants were in breach of terms and conditions, it said.
A Nominet working group is currently in the final stages of creating a policy that will streamline the process of law enforcement domain suspensions, as I reported for The Register today.
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After Expirations all will be able for reg?