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Verisign (or a domainer) needs to put this on a T-shirt

Kevin Murphy, May 2, 2013, 18:01:33 (UTC), Gossip

If I don’t see somebody wearing this on a T-shirt at the next ICANN meeting I will be very upset.
Keep .com
Credit: an anonymous artist.

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Comments (1)

  1. All the White Noise being drummed up is focusing consumer attention on .COM sites that they trust and away from Gimmicky OffShore extensions they do not trust.
    Classic Win Win for Grandfathered and trusted .COM holders.
    Get a load of this rubbish propoganda :
    R. E. = ” As we already know some of the favorite ccTLD’s of domainers like .Co, .Me and .Tv made the list.
    Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)

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