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RapidShare has no rights to “rapid”, says WIPO

Kevin Murphy, July 14, 2010, 12:46:27 (UTC), Domain Policy

RapidShare, the file-sharing service that recently embarked upon a spree of UDRP filings against domain name registrants, has lost its first such case.
A WIPO panelist denied the company’s claim on, saying it had “not proved that they have any trademark or service mark rights in the expression ‘rapid bay’, or in the word ‘rapid'”.
RapidShare therefore failed to prove that “RapidBay” was identical or confusingly similar to its RapidShare trademark, and the complaint was thrown out.
The decision does not bode well for the company’s ongoing UDRP claims over,, and, among others.’s registration, in particular, would appear to be safe, if the panelist in that case follows the same line of reasoning.
That will no doubt please the many people visiting my previous post recently, apparently looking for an explanation of why, a forum for sharing mainly copyrighted works, recently started bouncing to
RapidShare has in recent months filed a couple dozen UDRP complaints against people who have registered “rapid” domains and are using them to help people find pirated material on the service.

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