Architelos goes flat-rate with NameSentry pricing
Architelos has introduced flat-rate pricing for its flagship NameSentry abuse detection and mitigation service.
Now, TLD registries will be able to pay $389 a month for the Basic service and $689 for the Enterprise version, regardless of the size of their zones.
Previously, pricing ranged from $249 to $3,999 per month, depending on zone size.
NameSentry scans and collates various malware, spam and phishing URL lists in order to alert registries when domains in their TLDs are being used for different types of online abuse.
The primary difference between the Basic and Enterprise versions is the ability to automate remediation workflow.
NameSentry customers include Donuts and Rightside. Architelos reckons it has 44% of the new gTLD market using the service.
I got the impression that this was a one year promotion, and after that it would resume standard per-volume pricing…