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We Buy Any Car UDRPs

Kevin Murphy, August 19, 2010, 16:30:02 (UTC), Domain Policy

If you live in the UK, you’ve probably seen the annoying-as-hell (yet consequently effective) commercials on TV.
Now the company is going after the domain, owned by another British company with a similar business model, with a UDRP proceeding.
WeBuyAnyCar has obviously spent a fair bit of money building its brand up recently, but are “car” and “motors” really confusingly similar?
Trying singing along to the commercial using “motors”. It just doesn’t scan properly.

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Comments (5)

  1. Gnanes says: is taken by another company. They should file a UDRP against instead of

  2. CW says:

    How can they go after motors when the plural of their domain: is being used by another company?
    Looks like their logic is leaking oil.

  3. Bret Moore says:

    Probably going to have a tough time. And failing in a UDRP just drives up the settlement / purchase price on the back end. Still, may depend on what’s being done with Looks like a competing business to me – which means trademark infringement lawsuit, not UDRP arbitration.

  4. jed says:

    I read webuyanycars is being used by a bunch of fraudsters. Im suprised they havent been sued by now for giving the original webuyanycar a bad name

  5. Artoo says:

    WeBuyAnyCar won a UDRP action for recently.

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