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Posh Spice takes down porn site

Kevin Murphy, June 24, 2015, 15:00:42 (UTC), Domain Policy

Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham has used UDRP to take down a porn site bearing her name. was owned by a Ukrainian, who had set up a site “at which adult and/or pornographic images and services are offered”, according to the UDRP panelist.
It was pretty much a slam-dunk case.
While not all celebrities own trademarks on their names, Beckham does. The squatter, who registered the name in December 2014, did not even attempt a response.
Based on archived screenshots and Whois records, it looks like has been around as a rather harmless fan site since about 2006.
It was only after the domain expired late last year and was re-registered did it become a porn site, attracting the attention of Beckham’s lawyers.

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