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Get a free ticket to NamesCon here

Kevin Murphy, January 5, 2018, 08:27:34 (UTC), Domain Services

NamesCon, the annual domain name industry conference, runs in Las Vegas at the end of the month, and DI has five free tickets to give away to readers.
The catch: only people who have never been to NamesCon before are eligible. It’s a strictly n00bs-only giveaway.
NamesCon starts January 28 and runs for three days at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas.
Kicking off the show, in surely one of life’s “together at last” moments, Andrew Allemann of Domain Name Wire will sit down for a live interview with David Ellefson, founder of the metal band Megadeth. It’s probably going to be one of those “you had to be there” experiences.
There’s a strong focus on blockchain and cryptocurrency this year, given the interest many domainers are showing in this area as a new investment opportunity.
But the agenda is made up of the usual mix of industry experts discussing themes such as domain investment, web site development, branding, intellectual property and the like.
There’s even a Women In Domaining Dinner, where women can discuss whether it’s worth investing in .makeup and .horse domains, and a Christian Domainers’ Breakfast, where followers of Our Lord can eat bacon in peace and prevaricate on why greed is definitely not as bad as the Bible unambiguously states it is.
It’s usually a pretty good show with a good turn-out. The networking opportunities alone make it worth a trip.
To claim one of the five complimentary conference passes, simply leave a comment on this blog post stating clearly that you want one, and complete this sentence in 10,000 words or fewer:

I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because…

Use a functioning email address or I won’t be able to send you the ticket details.
The first five people to leave a qualifying comment get a ticket each.
It should go without saying that this ticket only gets you into the conference itself. How you get to Vegas and where you sleep when you get there is your problem.
Again, and I can’t stress this enough, if you’ve been to NamesCon before you’re not eligible for this competition. That’s NamesCon’s rule, not mine, so no arguing.
In the unlikely event that all five tickets have gone by the time you read this post, you may want to check out some of my co-conspirators at other domain community blogs, several of which I gather also have tickets to give away today.

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Comments (14)

  1. Fatih OZTURK says:

    I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because i have a visa but i have never been to U.S and Namescon. What can i say more?:)

  2. John says:

    I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because I want to attend the best conference, meet the best domain investors and learn about domaining.

  3. Adam says:

    I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because the city has the best buffetts in the world! 🙂

  4. Ivett says:

    I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because I want to evangelize domainers on the message of peace and resurrection offered by the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS).

  5. Suresh Raghavan says:

    I want to spend three nights away from my partner in Las Vegas because have never been to any domaining conference, even though have been domaining for almost 20 yrs. 🙂

  6. Phil Buckingham says:

    Hi Kevin , Happy New Year . I fear I might be too late ! I want to spend three nights away from “grotty UK ” to pitch @ Namescon’s(new) start-up alley . (I think we are all agreed that 95% of new gTLDs are .dead and we all need to look at new business opportunities outside of domains). They are looking to raise $1m for their cool bike products launch (with a customised .bike name) . Request an investor pack ( from me), so you can all close the deal, F2F in “sunny Vegas ” !

  7. Page Howe says:

    I would like to encourage the growth of our space and recommend a free ticket be given to an investor/industry participant from Africa.
    While there are many areas where economics make the ticket very expensive, Africa may be the place where the fee may be out of reach the most.

  8. Always thought NamesCon was a bit too … domain-namesy. Every time I’d look around all the booths and say to myself, “Why no thrash-metal bass guitarists? Where’s the DETH?”
    Finally, some deth.
    “… and complete this sentence in 10,000 words or fewer”
    That limit would have disqualified me. Bought my ticket last year anyhow.

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