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DomainTools tracks its one billionth domain

Kevin Murphy, August 10, 2018, 12:57:11 (UTC), Domain Services

DomainTools now has records of over a billion domain names in its database, according to the company.
The billionth name was added last month, according to a blog post.
The company notes that there are only about 350 million domains in existence today, meaning that twice as many domains have been deleted and never re-registered as are currently online.
For .com, DomainTools knows of 434 million domains that no longer exist, compared to the over 130 million registered today.
Even DomainTools, which has been collecting data for 17 years, knows its records are incomplete, but it reckons its number is probably within 10% of the total number of domains ever registered.
For new gTLDs, the one with the most deleted names is .realty (97% deleted) and the best is .boston (0.3% deleted), the company said.
More data here.

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Comments (1)

  1. Richard Funden says:

    Hooray! One billion illegally obtained and processed data sets.

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