Bored? Try the DI Fiendishly Difficult Domain Name Pub Quiz
One of the many trends to emerge since most of the world went into coronavirus lockdown is the emergence of the online pub-style quiz as a way to kill time while we wait for normality to resume or death to kick in.
This gave me a great idea: why not copy this idea?
While most of these quizzes are usually conducted over YouTube or some other streaming platform, I’ve long been told I have a face for radio and a voice for print, so you’re going to have to make do with text.
So, here I present the inaugural DI Fiendishly Difficult Domain Name Pub Quiz.
It’s split into rounds that should test the breadth and depth of your domain industry and ICANN knowledge to their fullest.
There are no prizes. It’s just a bit of fun.
Go ahead and test yourself, your boss isn’t looking!
The Trivia Round
- Which two alcoholic beverages feature on Domain Name Journal’s list of the top 20 secondary-market cash sales of all time?
- What’s the only one of ICANN’s five geographic regions not to have had one of its citizens elected chair of ICANN’s board of directors?
- Which horror movie director publicly called GoDaddy founder Bob Parsons a “sick fuck” in 2011?
- How many companies applied for the .web gTLD in 2012?
- Over 170 domainers got a nasty bacterial infection during the DomainFEST conference in 2011. Which saucy place did they catch it? I’m looking for the location, not the body part.
The ccTLD Round
There are over 200 ccTLDs in active use today. How many can you match to the correct country, and vice versa?
First, name the countries or territories associated with the following five ccTLDs:
- .aq
- .tw
- .bb
- .bj
- .lr
Now, name the ccTLDs for the following five countries or territories:
- Myanmar
- Macao
- Mali
- Morocco
- Mauritania
The Acronym Round
These are all acronyms used in the domain name industry and ICANN community, but what do they stand for?
- MX
The Spot-the-gTLD Round
Some of these gTLDs are real, some are not. But which is which?
- .jcrew
- .blockbuster
- .toysrus
- .tjmaxx
- .paylessshoesource
The Anagram Round
These five strings are all anagrams of well-known people or well-known companies in the domain/ICANN space. Solve the anagrams. If you follow DI on Twitter and have a long memory, these might be a little easier for you.
- barman orgy
- cretin clan
- enema chap
- boner storm
- lewd anal manner
Bonus Round — Name That Beard
For a bonus point, whose beard is this?
The Answers
There are 31 points on offer, and I’ll post the answers early next week. If you’re impatient, pretty much everything here is Googleable.
But remember, you’d only be cheating yourself!
If you enjoyed this, or like some bits but not others, let me know in the comments on via other channels. If there’s sufficient positive feedback, I may make this a regular feature.
If you find this post or this blog useful or interestjng, please support Domain Incite, the independent source of news, analysis and opinion for the domain name industry and ICANN community.
Without checking, I believe our sale is in that first question. 🙂