Epik buys DNForum, explores member ownership options
Controversial registrar Epik has acquired DNForum and says it is thinking about ways to make the site member-owned.
DNForum is a forum targeted mainly at domain investors. It competes with NamePros and has seen multiple sets of owners over the last few years.
Posting on DNForum, Epik CEO Rob Monster said he hopes to improve industry communication, interoperability and commercial opportunities — registrars will be welcome to pitch their promotions to users.
He said that Epik is “actively investigating a legally compliant way to turn DNForum into a member owned community based on crypto token”.
While popular with domainers, Epik has attracted controversy in recent years for soliciting and welcoming the business of domain names that have been “cancelled” elsewhere due to political extremism.
Whether this laissez-faire stance on free speech will extend to DNForum’s moderation practices in future remains to be seen.
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“Why it’s time for a British First Amendment to protect free speech”
You still did a deceptive back-dated comment edit on me back in May, Kevin. Very naughty. 😉
General question:
When is that free speech hating crooked judicial system on your side of the pond going to stop being America’s bitch and stop pretending the emperor isn’t both naked and engaged in an illegal sex act in the very streets of London regarding the crooked and corrupt detention of Julian Assange?
And for you personally, Kevin: has the latest media blackout on the bombshell corruption revelations about the prosecution of Assange been successful and kept even you yourself ignorant of what is going on?
“The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout On Recent Assange Revelations”
“The Horrifying Rise Of Total Mass Media Blackouts On Inconvenient News Stories”
Oh yes, and on the UK being America’s bitch, mustn’t leave out this true modern classic among classics:
“Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange”
Only about two minutes. Do not fail to watch.
Epik fulll of people makinq fake accounts on social media to push their agenda, shift convorsations, gave appearance of importence, no comments on-line about their sites can be trusted, their all stuffed ballets, the real world doesnt know them or care. Not sorry to give bad news about their echo chamber
Your comment is total nonsense. And speaking for myself in particular, pretty much “everyone” has been familiar with me commenting on many topics in numerous blogs for years now, most especially including Mr. Murphy here himself. I’m what you call a “known commodity.” Look at my May comments here as merely the tip of the iceberg even, as long as Kevin doesn’t do any more edits there or remove any, that is:
This little batch of comments here is not even about Epik. It’s between me and our host Mr. Murphy. I’m already familiar with some of his own stance on “free speech,” Julian Assange, at least some of his past sentiment on the latter while one can only hope he’s come to clearer senses and seen some light, and I find his post here about Epik to be particularly and objectionably *slanted* and indicative of the same kind of problematic view of “free speech” I’ve always seen with him. This blog post could have been about something or someone else, but it just happens to have been about Epik.
And make no mistake, “THE TRUTH,” I’ve replied to you for the greater good and the reading public, not because you were able to provoke anything. Now watch that video and read those articles I posted here because those things are more important that all of this. 😉
I’m in favor of free speech, “John”. I have no idea what your position is or what you think my position is. You write a lot of words without ever saying anything of substance.
You claim to be in favor of free speech, Kevin? I’m shocked, shocked. Of course you do. Words are cheap.
You are living in a cocoon of self-delusion, Kevin. I don’t doubt you even believe what you just said about yourself. We would have to review every blog post online, especially on other sites, to demonstrate the evolution of what I “think your position” is. But just dealing with your own blog post right here, you apparently don’t even recognize or realize that this:
“soliciting and welcoming the business of domain names that have been “cancelled” elsewhere due to political extremism”
…and this:
“this laissez-faire stance on free speech will extend to DNForum’s moderation practices in future remains to be seen”
…doesn’t go with this:
“I’m in favor of free speech”
…or realize or recognize the cognitive dissonance involved.
You remind me of your colleague on this side of the pond, Andrew of DNW, when he posted a terse question indicating that in his mind all the political free speech censorship and “canceling” going on here at the time was nothing but merely justified and righteous actions against “bad speech,” i.e. the standard biased partisan “neoliberal” position. And no doubt he even believed it himself. I appreciate the work he does otherwise, but he is surely flawed in important respects like that.
As for the terse tactic of dismissal with “without ever saying anything of substance,” well that is pretty laughable I must say. You’re effectively even doing on this microscopic scale exactly what Caitlin Johnstone even wrote about at the links above with that. How ironic. Perhaps my substance is a bit too advanced for you, however.
PS, Kevin:
If you really want to begin to demonstrate any true support for “free speech” then you’ll do your part as a person with some degree of public platform to speak up and speak out against the unfathomably monstrous evil and corruption that has been taking place regarding Julian Assange all these years, the biggest and most consequential and perilous “free speech” issue of our entire lifetime no less. Unless of course you’re too afraid to do that.
I write a blog about domain names, you fucking moron. What did Assange ever do or say about domain names?
“John”, the fact that I haven’t deleted your relentless bullshit yet should be a pretty good indication that I’m okay about free speech. Even though you regularly break my rules about personal attacks.
The reading comprehension lesson at school was just something that happened to other kids, wasn’t it?
I love this 😀
Well if you love this Thomas you should see where Kevin called me a c**t in his first comment but then deleted it later. He’s developing a pattern with that editing blog comments stuff. Never seen that before.
PS, and as for the “this” that you love you can refer to the Mensa card I already played below. No need to play it again. No point in trying to reason here either, so note that my comments are really for the reading public, not the likes of “y’all.” Carry on…
DNF will just become a big Epik promotion fest as expected. You’re seeing it already.
Epik employee starts a domain tools thread, half the tools are Epik tools.
Epik employee starts a sales thread with his personal sale (from GoDaddy btw), Epik employee #2 comes in and talks about Domain Graduate ebook.
Epik employee looks for old Epik threads to bump like Epik accepting Bitcoin from 2016.
Nothing will happen with this forum.
So what exactly did you have in mind, something more like an announcement from Epik like this:
“We bought DNF, but you’ll barely even notice because there won’t be much mention of Epik there regardless.”
Of course Epik is going to feature prominently at DNF.
We have an old saying since childhood here in the US which goes like this:
“No duh.”
Often shorter like this too:
Even drawn out for greater effect:
Get real, Jonathan. Don’t engage in the perverse behavior of making something completely normal, customary and expected out to be some bad, strange or unusual thing. Unless you are just forcing that against your own cognitive dissonance and deluding yourself because of bias and so forth too?
I guess you are a bit slow on the uptake. This is why it will fail.
Thanks for letting me know, Jonathan, I didn’t realize that about myself. I guess I’ll just have to tell Mensa never to invite me to renew again. Or maybe you can tell them for me.
Jonathan is right
“John” writes like Robert Davis or that “amplify” troll Both fo them are loonies IMHO from reading their comments last week
DNForum can’t catch a break with the types of people behind it Someone just needs to let it rest in pieces
That’s not how Mensa works. way to own yourself yet again.
Good grief you people are amazing. Try – you don’t know what you are talking about, that is how Mensa works, and I even renewed once for a while and later let it lapse again. Been a while since they sent another piece of snail mail inviting to renew again, so if they changed anything about letting people renew after a lapse that would be news to me. But I seriously doubt they changed that…
DNForum has turned into a buncha babies crying about what they can’t spam on Namepros LMAO