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UDRPs up in 2022, firm says

Kevin Murphy, December 28, 2022, 17:35:03 (UTC), Domain Policy

The World Intellectual Property Organization saw an increase in cybersquatting disputes this year, according to WIPO data compiled by VPN maker AtlasVPN.

There were 5,616 UDRP complaints filed with WIPO, up almost 10% from 2021, the company said.

The report does not appear to include data from the several other UDRP providers, so may not reflect the state of the system as a whole.

WIPO has processed 61,284 UDRP cases since the system was founded over two decades ago, the company said.

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Comments (3)

  1. WebSniffer says:

    It is likely that the number of disputes will continue to increase in the coming year. It would be interesting to know the distribution of positive and negative decisions, and to track this trend over time.

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