AcornDomains bought by conference organizer
The UK-focused domainer forum AcornDomains has been bought by the company that runs the fledgling London Domain Summit.
Domainer Helmuts Meskonis said he’s bought the site via his companies, Helmuts Limited and No Stress Limited, which also runs hosting company HostMaria.
Meskonis said he’s bringing on two more moderators — current community members — to “help ensure that the forum continues to be a friendly and safe place for everyone.”
He also hinted that prices for advertising and the optional premium membership fee may be going up.
Since he announced the deal on the forum on Saturday, feedback from users has been generally positive.
Meskonis is founder of the London Domain Summit, which held its inaugural event — a low-key affair at a restaurant — last year. He’s planning to run a second event this August.
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