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Recent Posts expires, reporter seeks padding

Kevin Murphy, March 26, 2010, 16:00:25 (UTC), Gossip

Visitors to one of the web’s hottest geo apps had a bit of a surprise today when instead of’s normal site they found a Go Daddy parking page.
It’s the usual problem — the company forgot to renew its registration.
That’s pretty much all there is to say about the story, unless you’re London daily newspaper Metro, which decided to pad the piece with a big chunk of lorem ispum:
Metro screenshot
It’s free for a reason.

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Comments (2)

  1. Michele says:

    That has to be the funniest use of lorem ispum I’ve ever seen! Did they publish it in any of the other Metro editions?

  2. Kevin Murphy says:

    I notice the page now bears the text “Edited to remove vast swathes of dummy text that somehow ended up on the page. Whoops on our part.”
    Surely the day when lorem ipsum makes it to the print pages of a daily newspaper cannot be too far away.

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