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Manwin files its first cybersquatting complaint

Kevin Murphy, January 27, 2012, 10:34:23 (UTC), Domain Policy

Manwin Licensing, the company currently suing ICANN and ICM Registry claiming .xxx breaks US competition law, has filed its first cybersquatting complaint using the UDRP.
It’s over a .com domain, (don’t go there, not only is it NSFW but it also looks like it panders to some very dubious tastes), which Manwin thinks infringes on its rights to the PornHub name
The domain is registered to a Russian, while itself is protected by Whois privacy.
There’s a certain irony here. PornHub is a “tube” site that allows users to upload content and has itself come under fire for violating intellectual property rights in the past.
It was sued by the the porn production company Pink Visual for copyright infringement in 2010.

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