First company abandons .com for new dot-brand gTLD
Wow. Somebody actually did it.
CITIC, China’s biggest conglomerate, has started redirecting its established .com domain to its new dot-brand gTLD, .citic.
Specifically, it’s redirecting (go on, click it!) to
Almost everyone reading this post will agree that as a memorable, attractive domain it’s a step backwards.
But CITIC does seem to be the first dot-brand to make the leap from .com to dot-brand with both feet, and it seems to have done so with little to no penalty to its Google ranking (at least as far as searches for its company name go).
A Google search for “citic” here returns as the third result, behind Wikipedia and one of CITIC’s sister companies.
The original doesn’t appear in the top results.
The company also has ranking for, one of the five second-level names active in the .citic zone file right now.
It’s not the first dot-brand to launch a web site at its new gTLD — and spring to mind — but it does seem to be the first to throw away its .com completely.
CITIC does not appear to have activated its matching Chinese-script gTLD, .中信, in the same way, however. Only appears in search results for sites under that TLD.
Thanks to Jothan Frakes of NamesCon for the tip.
Second dot-brand gets ICANN contract
CITIC Group has signed a new gTLD Registry Agreement with ICANN, the second dot-brand to do so.
The Chinese financial services giant signed on the dotted line for .中信, the Chinese-script version of its company name.
The company has also applied for .citic, but that application is a little further down ICANN’s processing queue.
A little over two weeks ago, Samsung became the first dot-brand to enter into an ICANN registry contract.
CITIC becomes the 58th new gTLD with a contract, though 613 have been invited to contracting.
UPDATE: Oops! Thanks to the reader who alerted me to the fact that .中信 is actually the third dot-brand with a contract. The gTLD .otsuka (which is a Japanese pharmaceuticals company and not, as I thought, a geographic region) was in fact the second. I regret the error.
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