Go Daddy CEO catches flak for “elephant snuff film”
Bob Parsons has come in for criticism for a recent video diary in which he headed to Zimbabwe to hunt elephant.
A petition launched yesterday at Change.org, entitled “Tell Go Daddy’s CEO: Real Men Don’t Kill Elephants” has attracted over 400 signatures.
The petition describes Parsons’ video as “basically a gruesome, 4-minute elephant snuff film”.
You can watch it here, if you can stomach the AC/DC soundtrack, photos of Parsons grinning over the corpse, and the scene where dozens of Zimbabweans (many wearing Go Daddy baseball caps) greedily tear up the elephant’s carcass.
The justification presented in the video is that “problem” elephants have been destroying crops, putting farmers’ livelihoods at risk.
The petitioner says there are better, more humane ways of dealing with the problem.
I expect this kind of PR plays well to the NASCAR crowd. To desk-bound, liberal-elite media, city-boy vegetarians such as myself, less so.
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