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Nominet to revise second-level .uk proposal after domainer outrage

Kevin Murphy, February 28, 2013, 07:46:53 (UTC), Domain Registries

Nominet has temporarily killed off its plan to allow people to register second-level .uk domain names, after vocal opposition from domain investors.
The non-profit registry said yesterday it is “not proceeding with our original proposal on ‘’”, but may revise the concept to give more rights to existing .uk domain name owners.
Nominet had been running a community consultation since October on the idea. It said yesterday:

It was clear from the feedback that there was not a consensus of support for the proposals as presented, with some concerns cutting across different stakeholder groups. Although shorter domains (e.g. rather than were considered desirable, many respondents felt that the release mechanism did not give enough weighting to existing registrants, and could lead to confusion if they could not obtain the corresponding domain.

UK domainers had been the most prominent opponents of the plan, complaining loudly that trademark owners were to be given the right to take .uk names where they do not already own the corresponding or names.
This would not only harm domainers, but also big companies that own generic domains without matching trademarks, they said, and would lead to consumer confusion.
Nominet now plans to see if it can revise the proposal to come up with a “phased release mechanism based largely on the prior registrations of domains in existing third levels within .uk”.

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Comments (2)

  1. It wasn’t only domainers that complained about this proposal…
    See our site for quotes from ISOC, BCS, CHIS, Host Europe:

  2. Rubens Kuhl says:

    What’s the harm in harming domainers ?

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