ICANN’s GDPR lawsuit bounced up to appeals court
ICANN’s lawsuit against Tucows’ German subsidiary EPAG has been bounced up to a higher court in Cologne.
The suit seeks to force Tucows to continue to collect the Admin-C and Tech-C fields of the Whois spec, something which is required by the Registrar Accreditation Agreement but which Tucows argues would force it to breach the General Data Protection Regulation.
The court of first instance denied ICANN’s application for an injunction.
ICANN then appealed, suggesting that the case should be referred to the European Court of Justice for a definitive answer.
Instead, the Bonn “Regional Court” has referred the case to the “Higher Regional Court” in Cologne. ICANN said the ECJ referral is still a possibility, however.
The lower court did not change its original ruling, but nor did it consider ICANN’s new arguments, which will transfer to the higher court’s attention, according to ICANN.
If you want a migraine to match mine, you can read an ICANN-provided English translation of the latest ruling here (pdf).
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