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ICANN going back to Puerto Rico for a third time

Kevin Murphy, November 11, 2019, 11:27:50 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN has selected Puerto Rico for its ICANN 73 public meeting.
The meeting is slated to be held at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan from March 5 to March 10, 2022.
That’s the same venue ICANN visited in March last year, in the wake of Hurricane Maria, which caused extensive damage and loss of life on the island. Indeed, the convention center had just months earlier been used as a command and control center for the recovery effort.
San Juan will become just the third city that ICANN has visited three times. It’s been to Singapore four times and its home city of Los Angeles (if you include Marina Del Rey) six times.
Puerto Rico had also been scheduled as the venue for ICANN 57 in 2016, but the meeting was moved to India instead, because of the Zika virus that was causing international concern at the time.
In 2020, meetings are to be held in CancĂșn, Kuala Lumpur and Hamburg, in that order. In 2021, ICANN’s going to CancĂșn (again), The Hague and Seattle.

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Comments (3)

  1. Rubens Kuhl says:

    I could swear ICANN already went 3 times to Buenos Aires, but it didn’t; only twice.

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