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Indian domain conference attracts 4,000

Kevin Murphy, October 31, 2012, 12:39:16 (UTC), Domain Services

While US domain conferences are reportedly becoming sedate affairs, a domain-heavy summit that kicks off tomorrow in Mumbai has more than 4,000 signed-up attendees, according to organizers.
The two-day ResellerClub Hosting Summit, organized by Directi, may have “hosting” in the title, but its sponsors and agenda reveal a strong presence from the domain name industry.
Verisign is the major sponsor, plugging its .com and .net TLDs. Other sponsors include .org, .biz, .co, .asia and .pw.
The agenda features speakers from Public Interest Registry, ICANN, NameMedia and Directi new gTLD applicant Radix.

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Comments (1)

  1. Ranbir says:

    Domain Conference in India…lol
    I never knew it.
    Were domains sold by the domainers or they advertised their registering companies?

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