Chehade joins Twitter
ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade now has his own Twitter account, the organization has confirmed.
Here he is, tweeting this morning:
Receive the best of our meeting in Durban sent directly to your email with the #myICANN platform. #ICANN47
— ICANN President (@icann_president) July 9, 2013
And here’s ICANN confirming it:
@DanielNegari @DomainIncite – Yes. That is Fadi's official twitter handle.
— ICANN (@ICANN) July 9, 2013
And here’s somebody who is definitely not Chehade, but is quite amusing anyway:
It's been a year since my selection as #ICANN CEO and I'm in a celebrating kind of mood. Anyone else need an engagement center?
— Shit Fadi Says (@ShitFadiSays) June 27, 2013
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Next he’ll want a TV studio …
Is this him “listening”?