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Economist replaces de La Chapelle on ICANN board

Kevin Murphy, September 3, 2013, 12:08:45 (UTC), Domain Policy

ICANN’s board of directors is to see one new member in November, with economist Bruno Lanvin replacing former French civil servant Bertrand de La Chapelle.
The changes were among several appointments announced by ICANN’s Nominating Committee yesterday.
NomCom has decided to keep previous appointees Cherine Chalaby, who’s head of the New gTLD Program Committee, and Erika Mann, the former MEP who now runs Facebook’s Brussels office.
Lanvin is currently executive director of the European Competitiveness Initiative and the Global Indices projects at INSEAD, a business school, but he spent 20 years of his career with the United Nations.
Outgoing director de La Chapelle was France’s Governmental Advisory Committee representative before his appointment to the board in 2010. He, Mann and Chalaby have initial three-year terms ending in November.
It’s not known if de La Chapelle, one of ICANN’s most vocal and active directors, had nominated himself for a second term.

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